Current membership fees are as follows:

Standard adult – £17.50 per month

Student in full time study – £12.00 per month
Child membership (under 19) – £12.00 per month

Family membership (1 parent + 1 child <19) – £26.50 per month
Family membership (2 parents + 1 child < 19) – £41.00 per month
Family membership (1 parent + 2 children < 19) – £32.00 per month
Family membership (2 parents training alternative weeks) – £22.00 per month

Non-training membership (matches-only) – £48.00 per annum

Match fees are an additional £4.00 per match for an adult and £3.00 per match for a student/child.
Excludes the first three sessions, which are free

Membership Fees by a monthly standing order